AsterWrite is online software that guides researchers to Conduct Research, Write Report and Publish Papers. It is suitable for Degree, Master’s, or Doctorate students. AsterWrite is intelligent software that cascades from one step to another. Almost all the steps needed for research and thesis writing are available in AsterWrite. AsterWrite has the best solutions to help students Graduate-On-Time.
Your Thesis Writing Assistant
Online Research Software
Conduct Research
AsterWrite helps students conduct qualitative research, quantitative research or mixed methods research. AsterWrite has built-in templates for various types of studies, e.g. proposal, thesis or paper publishing. AsterWrite supports grounded theory, statistical analysis, questionnaire analysis and other advanced research methods. AsterWrite guides students to conduct a proper scientific research.
Online Research Software
Write Report
AsterWrite helps students to create the Thesis Title, Thesis Statement, Research Question, Aims and Objectives, Statistical Hypothesis Tests, Null and Alternate Hypotheses, Data Analysis, Research Findings, and Conclusions. Students can conduct research, write a thesis or publish journal papers. AsterWrite guides students to conduct their own original research and avoid plagiarism. The report can be output to Microsoft Word with a Table of Contents.
Online Research Software
Publish Paper
AsterWrite provides the software support to complete a journal paper publication. Nearly all the activities necessary for the journal paper publication are available as interconnected software applets. AsterWrite’s virtual supervisor helps many aspects of paper publication. AsterWrite offers the best potential to complete a study under busy working schedules in a reasonable time.